Performance Testing - JMeter Training

Utilizing performance testing Throughout your career, the JMeter course will give you insights into software system behaviour. In this course, you'll learn how to estimate the software system's time interval and latency and determine whether a software system package is cost-effective for scaling.

Performance Testing - JMeter Course Description

Our JMeter training programme seeks to provide high-quality instruction that emphasises practical application while covering fundamental knowledge of key ideas. Students' abilities will be enhanced and they will be able to complete real-world projects using the best practises thanks to exposure to use-cases and scenarios from the present industry.

Mock Interviews

Needintech's mock interviews provide a platform for you to prepare for, practise for, and experience a real-life job interview. You will have an advantage over your colleagues if you familiarise yourself with the interview environment beforehand in a comfortable and stress-free environment.

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Course Objetives

  • First, learn about performance testing and assess if you like it or not; if you do, go ahead and look for tools that do this automatically. JMeter is an open source programme that can help you with this. If you study JMeter, you may perform performance testing on web applications and assist your organization in ensuring that the product is shippable, usable, and scalable. You will be in a position to inform your product team about performance improvements that will result in increased earnings.

This course is intended for people with expertise in any of the following employment roles:

  • Software Engineer
  • Solution Designer
  • Application Designer
  • Specialist in Integration

After completing this training, we will have gained knowledge of the following:

  • Understand JMeter’s components, such as logic controllers, samplers, and assertions.
  • Discover the fundamentals of performance testing and tuning.
  • Learn how to monitor application performance with the provided loads.
  • Discover how to install JMeter plugins.
  • Learn how to use JMeter to execute numerous scripts.
  • Due to its simplicity, adaptability, and ongoing development, Groovy has emerged as the preferred scripting language for JMeter. Furthermore, Groovy is completely compatible with Java, which offers a wide range of scripting capabilities through a clear, short, and accessible syntax.
  • The IT sector uses JMeter extensively as a performance testing and load testing automation tool.
  • Since JMeter can be easily linked with various APIs like SOAP/REST, Selenium, databases, and JDBC to measure an application’s performance, the majority of top firms use it for performance testing.
  • For their clients across all domains, organisations like IBM, Barclays, Accenture, Infosys, and Cognizant look for Certified Performance Testers.
  • The average annual compensation for a Performance Tester is about $68,000, according to
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Syllabus of Performance Testing – JMeter Course in Chennai

Module 1 : Introduction to JMeter

    • What is JMeter?
    • History of JMeter
    • Pros and cons of JMeter
    • Pre-requisites to install JMeter


Module 2 : Configuring JMeter in Easy Steps

  • Sharing software’s and relevant dependencies
  • Installing suitable version of Java
  • Setting up environment variables for JMeter and Java

Module 3 : Components of JMeter

  • Test Plan
  • Thread Groups
  • Workbench
  • Config Elements
  • Timers
  • Pre Processors
  • Post Processors
  • Assertions
  • Listeners

Module 4 : How to do scripting with Recording and Replay Functionality

  • How to record?
  • Dos and Don’ts during recording
  • How to replay?
  • Dos and Don’ts during replay
  • How to debug the recorded code?

Module 5 : Data Driven or Parameterization using CSV files

  • Data driven of input data using inbuilt JMeter control
  • Parameterization of input data from EXCEL sheet
  • Live example with parameterized script

Module 6 : Page Verification and Validation

  • Validating the web pages using JMeter controls
  • Ensuring that all the web pages are loaded during execution
  • Live example with page verification and validation

Module 7 : Handling Dynamic Web Pages

  • Doing Scripting in such a way that it should not fail even the web pages changes dynamically for every loop
  • Introducing the concept called correlation to handle dynamic web pages recording and replay
  • Live example with scripting on dynamic applications

Module 8 : Different Types of Testing using JMeter

  • Load/Stress testing: how to design and execute load test using JMeter controller
  • Endurance Testing: How to design and execute endurance test or long lasting testing
  • Functional Automation Testing: How to do automation testing using JMeter
  • Regression Testing: How to do testing on regressive/repeated test cases
  • Database Testing: How to put load on particular database query and get the response time of the respective query

Module 9 : Performing Distributed Testing

  • Configuration for doing distributed testing
  • How to share the test across the computers which are in different locations
  • How to share the load injectors to share the virtual users during load test

Module 10 : Other Important Features of JMeter that we cover

  • Plugin for generating automated load test results and graphs
  • Plugin for Server Monitoring of apache servers
  • Plugin for Load testing on Oracle Database
  • Result analysis with third party website
  • Handling web service based applications

Module 11 : By the End of the Session

  • We will provide you all the paper works done by us
  • We will provide certificate from our institute for every successful completion of course
  • We will guide you other technologies that we offer on the relevant subject, that you could make use of
  • You will be one among the capable JMeter resource wanted by the reputed corporates

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