CSS Online Training

This CSS course will teach you the fundamentals of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3). The focus will be on learning how to write CSS rules, test code, and develop excellent programming practises. They will use CSS to implement the design by adding fonts, colours, and layouts.

CSS Online Course Description

Nowadays' online is hardly recognisably different from the early white pages with lists of blue links. Nowadays, websites are made with intricate layouts, distinctive fonts, and personalised colour palettes. You will discover how to assess pages using the standardised POUR accessibility guidelines in order to make sure that your sites do not erect obstacles for users with cognitive and/or physical disabilities.

Mock Interviews

Needintech's mock interviews provide a platform for you to prepare for, practise for, and experience a real-life job interview. You will have an advantage over your colleagues if you familiarise yourself with the interview environment beforehand in a comfortable and stress-free environment.

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Course Objetives
  • This section defines Cascading Style Sheets. It also describes how HTML is related to CSS and how JavaScript codes are incorporated into CSS snippets.
  • This course requires only a basic understanding of computer science. However, if you are not already familiar with HTML, we propose that you do some homework to comprehend the basics of HTML and file handling in order to learn frontend development faster and understand the construction of any webpage’s skeleton.
  • Yes, CSS Front End Development is worthwhile to learn. In today’s business world, firms are prone to making their goods appear flamboyant in order to save money on other marketing strategies.
  • This course will teach you the fundamentals of CSS Front End Development, including how to structure many tools and techniques required to create a frontend application and how to grasp the functions, components, and attributes used to create a user-friendly interface.
  • Anyone with a basic understanding of computer science who wants to learn frontend development using CSS and understand its fundamentals can enrol in the course. You simply need a basic understanding of HTML to take this course, so sign up today and study it for free online.
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Syllabus of Manual Testing Course in Chennai

Module 1: Getting started with CSS

  • What is CSS?
  • Why is CSS important?



Module 2: Building CSS rules

  • HTML review
  • Building a CSS rule
  • Attaching CSS to HTML using selectors
  • Applying styles using CSS properties

Module 3: Specific HTML targeting with CSS selectors

  • Using HTML classes and IDs
  • CSS pseudo-classes
  • Combining selectors

Module 4: Layout and positioning

  • The basics of layout
  • Floating elements
  • Relative positioning

Module 5: Designing your Web site for your audience

  • The basics of design
  • Designing for your audience
  • Why accessibility is important
  • Why internationalization is important
  • Historical Web design trends
  • Current Web design trends

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