Devops Online Training

This online DevOps training course will assist you in learning DevOps and mastering many areas of software development, operations, continuous integration, continuous delivery, automated build, test, and deployment. You will learn DevOps tools such as Git, Puppet, Jenkins, SVN, Maven, Docker, Ansible, Nagios, and more in this finest DevOps certification.

Devops Course Description

DevOps is a set of cultural ideas, practises, and tools that improves an organization's capacity to provide applications and services at high velocity: changing and enhancing products at a faster rate than traditional software development and infrastructure management methods.

Mock Interviews

Needintech's mock interviews provide a platform for you to prepare for, practise for, and experience a real-life job interview. You will have an advantage over your colleagues if you familiarise yourself with the interview environment beforehand in a comfortable and stress-free environment.

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Course Objetives

This DevOps certification is available to:

  • IT Professionals.
  • Software Testers.
  • System Admins.
  • Solutions Architect.
  • Security Engineers.
  • Application Developers.
  • Integration Specialists.

Following are some prerequisites for enrolling in this DevOps certification training:

  • A basic understanding of Linux or scripting is desirable. To help you with this, we provide a free Linux self-paced course.
  • To learn this technology, you must have prior IT experience.

The DevOps certification course has been created with the most recent industry requirements in mind. You will be trained in the following skill sets, which were selected based on job descriptions given by firms seeking DevOps Engineers. The following topics will be covered in this online course:

  • Expertise in DevOps approach.
  • Putting Software Version Control in Place.
  • Docker is used in production to containerize code.
  • Jenkins is used to create CI/CD pipelines.
  • Puppet and Ansible are used to manage configuration.
  • Selenium and Maven are used to automate build and testing.
  • Kubernetes container orchestation.
  • Using Nagios for performance tuning and monitoring.

After finishing this DevOps Certification Training in Chennai, learners might strive for the following employment roles and titles:


  • DevOps or platform engineer.
  • Product manager.
  • Data analyst.
  • Reliability engineer.
  • Build engineer.
  • Release manager.
  • Automation architect.
  • Security engineer.
  • DevOps is not difficult to learn. Yet, in order to have a successful career in the domain, one should be proficient with a variety of languages, including Java, Javascript, Ruby, Python, PHP, Bash, and others. Intellipaat trainers are well-equipped and seasoned with industry-level expertise, allowing our learners to effortlessly obtain DevOps training.
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Syllabus of Devops Online Course in Chennai

Module 1: Cloud computing

  • What is Cloud Computing
  • How Cloud Computing are helpful
  • Cloud’s role in DevOps orchestration
  • What is AWS
  • Use cases in AWS
  • Companies using AWS and Market tends
  • Different Services offered in AWS
  • Use case: – Highly available fault tolerant systems
  • Understanding availability zone
  • region
  • Creating your own account in AWS
  • Creating a VPC
  • subnet
  • network gets way
  • Running your own EC2 instance
  • Connecting in EC2 and installing https in EC2
  • S3
  • Over viewS3
  • SNS. Cloud watch
  • Understanding the Serverless (Lambda)



Module 2: DevOps History and evolution of DevOps

  • What is the market trend of DevOps
  • Which back ground people can switch to DevOps
  • Some typical tool stack for DevOps Jobs
  • How to get maximum from the course
  • Client-Server and Distributed Version control system
  • Git
  • Advantages of Git over SVN
  • Git User trends
  • Different Git tools (Git Desktop. Kraken)
  • Git Installation and Configuration
  • Setting up Git Bash and Git UI
  • Creating first repository: Local
  • Git commands: add
  • commit
  • push
  • status
  • history
  • Branch why what? Understanding Master
  • Creating a Branch
  • Merging a Branch
  • Resolving Merge conflicts
  • checking the difference
  • Understanding the tags: Modifying
  • undoing
  • deleting and discarding
  • What
  • Use Case of Unit Testing
  • Different kind of Unit Testing
  • What is JUnit
  • Writing a Simple JUnit Test
  • Test NG introduction
  • Write a Unit Testing Case in your Favorite language.
  • Linux Administration
  • A Linux Introduction
  • Open Source Philosophy
  • Distributions
  • Embedded Systems
  • Command Line Basics
  • Basic Shell
  • Command Line Syntax – ls
  • Command Line Syntax – $PATH, Case Sensitivity
  • Command Line Syntax – Basic Commands
  • Command Line Syntax – uname
  • Command Line Syntax – Command History, Command Completion
  • Command Line Syntax – cd and pwd
  • Shell Configuration Files
  • Variables – Environment / System Variables
  • Variables – User Defined
  • Globbing
  • Quoting
  • Formatting Commands
  • Working with Options
  • Using the Command Line to Get Help
  • Man
  • Info
  • locate, find, whereis, and using /usr/share/doc/
  • Exercise: Man Page Walkthrough
  • Exercise: Basic Command Line
  • Using Directories and Listing Files
  • The Linux File System
  • Files, Directories
  • Hidden Files and Directories
  • Home
  • Absolute and Relative Paths
  • Exercise: Maneuvering the Linux File System
  • Creating, Moving and Deleting Files
  • Files and Directories
  • Case Sensitivity
  • Simple Globbing and Quoting
  • The Power of the Command Line
  • Archiving Files on the Command Line
  • Files, Directories
  • Archives, Compression
  • Searching and Extracting Data from Files
  • Commands (Revisited)
  • Command Line Pipes
  • I/O Redirection
  • Regular Expressions
  • Exercise: Practicing with Pipes and Grep
  • Turning Commands into a Script
  • Basic Text Editing
  • Basic Shell Scripting
  • Basic Shell Scripting, Continued
  • Exercise: Using the vi Text Editor
  • Available
  • The Linux Operating System
  • Choosing an Operating System
  • Windows, Mac, and Linux Differences
  • Distribution Life Cycle Management
  • Understanding Computer Hardware
  • Hardware
  • Where Data is Stored
  • Kernel
  • Processes
  • syslog, klog, dmesg
  • /lib, /usr/lib, /etc, /var/log
  • Your Computer on the Network
  • Internet, Network, Routers
  • Domain Name Service and the Default Gateway (Network Router)
  • Network Configuration
  • Security and File Permissions
  • Basic Security and Identifying User Types
  • Root and Standard Users
  • System Users
  • Creating Users and Groups
  • User IDs
  • User Commands
  • Group Commands
  • Exercise: Managing User Accounts
  • Exercise: Creating User Groups
  • Managing File Permissions and Ownership
  • File/Directory Permissions and Owners
  • Special Directories and Files
  • Symbolic Links
  • System files, Special Files, and Sticky Bits
  • Use Case in Maven
  • Ant vs Maven
  • Maven installation and Configuration What is Maven Central
  • Dependency Management why and How
  • Introduction to POM
  • Build lifecycle
  • Maven repositories Maven plugins
  • Using a POM file to run unit testing (Jenkins)
  • Multi-module POM
  • dependency hierarchy
  • Artifactory management
  • Maven Release and Snapshot
  • Assignment- Create a Maven Hello world Java Project
  • Run the Unit testing and and create the artifact for that
  • Use Case (How Artifactories are managed)
  • Artifact Lifecycle
  • Basic use of Sonatype Nexus
  • Artifactory Live demo
  • Use Case WebServer Deployment in DevOps
  • Architecture
  • Different types of Webserver
  • Proxy servers
  • Mail Server
  • Installation of Tomcat
  • Manual Deployment
  • Deploying a Web application using Maven
  • Idea about Automated Deployment using Continuous Integration
  • Create a Tomcat Server and Deploy the application manually
  • Create a Tomcat Server and Deploy the Application Using Maven
  • Benefits of Code Profiling tool
  • Use case of Code Profiling tool
  • Different kind of Code quality tools
  • Over view of Sonar
  • Installation of SonarQube
  • Installation fo Code Analyser
  • Sonar profiles
  • Running Sonar for a project
  • Configuring SonarQube for one Sample java project.

Module 3: Jenkins

  • Why Jenkins?
  • What is Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (Use Case1)
  • Jenkins installation and Configuration
  • Running Jenkins as windows service
  • Deploying Jenkins in Tomcat Server
  • Jenkins Global Configuration
  • Building your first Hello world job
  • Jenkins User Management
  • Jenkins Plugin management
  • Jenkins SCM configuration (Git SVN)
  • Understanding the Jenkins workspace
  • Build
  • pre build and post build job
  • Jenkins Unit testing
  • Automation testing
  • Mail notification
  • Jenkins Reporting
  • Matrix and trend
  • Jenkins remote executor
  • Master Slave configuration in Jenkins
  • Jenkins Most used plugin
  • Advanced Reference
  • Jenkins pipeline plugin
  • Groovy scripting
  • Scriptler
  • Jenkins Parameterized build
  • Environment inject plugin
  • Use of Jenkins environment variables
  • Deploying a specific revision
  • Customizing the Jenkins UI
  • Project based Matrix plugin
  • Parallel Execution
  • Configuring Jenkins Hub and Node in the cloud (AWS)
  • Configuring a Selenium Desktop node with a Linux Server (AWS)
  • Case Study
  • Real time implementation of Automated role back
  • Multi branch Deployment.
  • What is Virtual Machine
  • Why we need it
  • What is Container
  • Difference between Containers and Virtual Machine

Module 4: Docker

  • Docker Installation and Configuration
  • Major Docker Components
  • Container Management Running Containers
  • Docker file
  • Working with Registries
  • Docker Port Forwarding
  • What is Configuration Management
  • Configuration Management Challenges
  • Configuration Management in DevOps Ecosystem
  • Some tools
  • Trends
  • What is Container and Containerization
  • Different types of Containers
  • DOCKER: What why how ?
  • Use Case 1 (Why Docker)
  • Docker installation
  • Docker VS Vagrant
  • Docker Run commands
  • Advanced Docker
  • run commands
  • Docker volume persistence
  • Overview of Docker Compose
  • Docker Hub
  • Creating your own image
  • Advanced reference
  • Create a Docker container to run Jenkins
  • Create a Docker container to run a CI/CD pipeline
  • Use case 1 (Why puppet)
  • Puppet installation and configuration
  • Resource implementation
  • Managing files and executing programs
  • Testing your code Using Puppet Languages
  • Variables Numbers and Strings
  • Facts
  • control flow
  • Regex
  • Loops
  • Resource Processing
  • Advanced Course
  • Puppet Modules
  • Define QA environment
  • Changing Base Module path
  • Separation of Data from Code
  • Introduction to Hiera
  • Hiera Backend creation in Puppet
  • Variables and Function lookups
  • Using Puppet modules
  • Puppet Forge-Server- GitHub repo.

Module 5: Ansible

  • What is Ansible
  • Advantages of Ansible
  • Environment Provisioning
  • Configuration Deployment
  • Installation of Ansible (AWS)
  • Modules
  • Playbooks and Writing a Playbook
  • What is Monitoring
  • Why we need monitoring
  • Different tools of monitoring
  • What is Nagios
  • Nagios Architecture
  • Different components of Nagios
  • A typical Nagios Dashboard
  • Installation and Configuration

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