Flutter Online Training

This Flutter Course in Chennai will get you started developing mobile apps. This Flutter for Beginners course will teach you the fundamentals of getting started with Flutter as well as how to begin building applications for different devices using the same codebase. Therefore, if you're looking for something to do with your time, try this. Flutter Training in Chennai will also help you to know the industry trending software development tools, which gives an extra added value for your career.

Flutter Course Description

Whether you are new to application design or a seasoned pro, a Flutter course can help you enhance your skill set. The platform is simple to understand and use, and its popularity among app developers is expanding. On Needintech, millions of people are studying Flutter from real-world professionals.

Mock Interviews

Needintech's mock interviews provide a platform for you to prepare for, practise for, and experience a real-life job interview. You will have an advantage over your colleagues if you familiarise yourself with the interview environment beforehand in a comfortable and stress-free environment.

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Course Objetives
  • Flutter developers are in high demand. The demand for experienced and skilled Flutter developers has grown tremendously in recent years, particularly in the mobile app sector. This growth in demand is directly related to the benefits of working with Flutter.
  • Flutter Developer salaries in India range from 1.2 Lakhs to 10.0 Lakhs per year, with an average yearly pay of 3.6 Lakhs.
  • Simple to learn. Java and Kotlin are both simple to learn languages, and Dart, the flutter programming language, is also simple to learn. Understanding Java and its syntax is always beneficial because Kotlin’s syntax is based on it.
  • Although no prior expertise in mobile, web, or desktop development is required to learn flutter, if you have experience developing applications for other platforms, you will learn flutter much faster. For developers coming from other platforms like as Android, iOS, React Native, or Web, Flutter features relatively little documentation.
  • The future of flutter development looks promising. The framework is still in its early phases, with plenty of possibility for development. Flutter is open source and completely free to use. It was also created by Google, so there will be plenty of assistance.
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Syllabus of Flutter Online Course

Module 1: Introduction to Flutter Development
  • Intro to flutter
  • What is flutter
  • Why use flutter



Module 2: Installations and Setup for Flutter Development

  • Download flutter SDK
  • Install flutter and dart plugin
  • Understanding the structure of flutter code

Module 3: Introduction To Dart

  • Writing dart program

Module 4: Introducing Widget

  • Widgets and their role in flutter app
  • App bar
  • Material app
  • Hot reload hot restart

Module 5: Common Widget in Flutter

  • Containers
  • Images
  • Adding icons
  • Rows and columns
  • List view list tile
  • List view builder

Module 6: Stateless and Stateful Widgets- The Concept

  • stateless vs stateful widget
  • what is a state
  • setstate() method

Module 7: Navigating through Navigation

  • Navigating
  • Apply push
  • Apply pop

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