API Automation - RestAssured Training
To assist you in creating a strong testing framework, this automation testing online course is created to give you comprehensive knowledge of software testing technologies including Selenium, TestNG, Cucumber, and Docker.
API Automation - RestAssured Course Description
API Testing is characterised as a service offered by an application on a certain device, server, or client to another device or client application when deployed through Web-based communication. No matter the architecture, technology, or software platform, the data transfer or any requests will be carried out as XML or JSON across the application with the aid of the HTTP OR HTTPS protocol, and the response will be handled by the client application.
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Course Objetives
- A Java package called REST Assured is used to test and validate Restful Web Services. It supports given, when, and then notations, which are part of behavior-driven development (BDD). It facilitates our integration with testing frameworks like TestNG and Junit.
- Using API, it is more easier and takes fewer lines of code and effort to cover sophisticated business layer logic. In this circumstance, API Test becomes useful and efficient. UI tests are also necessary for validation. In UI testing, the tester should focus on confirming that all pages are loading and that the user is able to use the feature.
- Python. Python will be one of the most popular programming languages for automation in 2021. It is an open-source language with a history of producing online and desktop applications.
- Covering all potential software failure points is crucial to sustaining product quality and customer trust.
- REST API testing during development can uncover issues with your API, server, other services, network, and other components that you may not be able to detect or resolve simply after release.
- Rest is an abbreviation for Representational State Transfer. It is an architectural style and communication method used in the development of Web Services. REST has evolved into a natural choice for developing APIs. API Testing mostly involves four methods: GET, POST, Delete, and PUT.
Syllabus of API Automation Testing Course in Chennai
Module 1: Introduction
- Course Outcome
- Introduction
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More Module 2: Overview and Install Java Module 3: RestAPI Introductiona Module 4: Rest Client Setup Module 5: RestAPI Testing Using Postman Client Module 6: RestAssured Setup Module 7: RestAPI Automation Overview Module 8: Real World Twitter APIs Example Module 9: Validating JSON Response Module 10: Twitter End-To-End Workflow Module 11: Validating XML Response Module 12: Request And Response Logging Module 13: Rest Assured Assertions Module 14: Useful Tricks Module 15: Rest Assured Specifications Module 16:Automation Framework – Part 1 Module 17: Automation Framework – Part 2 Module 18: Automation Framework – Part 3 Module 19: Practice Exercise Module 20: End To End Framework Execution Module 21: Build Management With Maven